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Crop Disease Rate per Acre
per 100 gal. of water

ppm’s (copper)
per 100 gal.of water




Cantaloupe, Cucumber, Honeydew,
Pumpkin, Watermelon

Alternia Leaf Spot,
Angular Leaf Spot, Anthrancose, Downy Mildew,
Gummy Stem Blight, Powdery Mildew, Watermelon Bacterial Fruit Blotch (Suppression)

5.25 lb.2

19.2-25.6 oz.

5 days3

75-100 ppm

1.05 lb.1

Begin applications prior to disease development and continue while conditions are favorable for disease development. Repeat at 5 to 7 day intervals or as needed. Use the higher rates when conditions favor disease.
NOTE: Crop injury may occur from application at higher rates and shorter intervals. Discontinue use if injury occurs.

1Maximum per Application Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
2Maximum Annual Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
3Minimun Retreatment Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
*Not Permitted in California
Permitted only in Washington State and Oregon**