by magnabon | Apr 2, 2020 | Research
It’s become a full time job to keep up with all the great research articles that are being produced these days! Often, we find articles related to our specific solutions such as bacterial spot in tomatoes! We may not have been included in this particular...
by magnabon | Mar 17, 2020 | Magna-Bon, News, Research
Should you be using some of the modern reduced-AI copper fungicide products on YOUR treefruit crops in 2020? If you’ve been following Frank Miele of Magna-Bon around for the past several years, you must have heard conversations about The Wayne County Fruit...
by magnabon | Feb 19, 2020 | Research
Fire blight can be a devastating bacterial disease to apple and pear trees, no matter what region. For years, organic pear and apple growers have relied on oxytetracycline and streptomycin — two effective antibiotics — to protect their orchards. As of Oct. 21, 2014,...
by magnabon | Feb 17, 2020 | Research
Bloom in Almonds is almost here and with a wet winter, bacterial blast will set in! Interestingly, when there is a high frequency of blast, the very similar disease of bacterial canker appears a few weeks later in young trees. Both of these problems are complicated....
by magnabon | Nov 14, 2019 | Magna-Bon, Research
Algal Stem Blotch is a blueberry disease that has been on top of mind of researchers throughout the Southeast lately. If you have been to Florida Blueberry Growers Association or North Carolina Blueberry Council, you’ve heard the seminars from researchers such...
by magnabon | Oct 23, 2019 | Magna-Bon, Research
The name Gene McAvoy in the Florida vegetable industry is synonymous with a true veteran of the industry. Anytime Gene speaks in front of an audience, everyone listens. This is no different! We read articles on a daily basis and every once in awhile one stands out,...
by magnabon | Oct 14, 2019 | Research
Almonds trees can be host to an assortment of diseases including bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic or phytoplasmal. These diseases and how to control them were the topic of Dr. Jim Adaskaveg’s presentation during 2018 North Valley Nut Conference hosted by West Coast...
by magnabon | Jul 29, 2019 | Magna-Bon, News
We know you, the grower are hard at work day in-day out. So when we receive testimonials, we love to share them! We’ve been using this particular positive note for a few years now but you can tell how genuine it is! CS 2005 saved our Sweet Cherry Orchards from a...
by magnabon | Jul 29, 2019 | Magna-Bon, News
Magna-Bon CS 2005 Saves West Virginia Apple Orchard from Fire Blight! We simply love hearing success stories with our products. Here is the backstory… Larry is an apple grower in West Virginia and has had very severe fire blight in his orchard the past several...
by magnabon | May 30, 2019 | Magna-Bon, Research
Research by Dr. Jim Graham Confirms Systemic Capabilities with CS 2005! 10.1 Trunk Injection of Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate (Magna-Bon CS 2005) Affects Expression of HLB HLB is caused by a phloem-limited bacterium that is unlikely to be directly contacted by...
by magnabon | Apr 8, 2019 | Research
Walnut Blight Research Dr. Jim Adaskaveg Click Here to download the full...
by magnabon | Apr 3, 2019 | News
We recently stumbled upon this nostalgic article written by Florida Grower magazine. With today’s technology information is constantly at our fingertips. In the publishing world it seems that once an article is published in print, it’s already too late!...