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Crop Disease Rate per Acre
per 100 gal. of water

ppm’s (copper)
per 100 gal.of water




Bacterial Blast (Pseudomonas), Bacterial Canker
Coryneum Blight (Shot Hole)

32-64 oz.

200-250 ppm

Make first application before fall rains and a second at late dormant. Use the higher rates when conditions favor disease. If needed, agricultural-type spray oil may be added. For Cherries: Where disease is severe, an additional application shortly after harvest may be required. NOTE: Foliar injury may occur from post-bloom sprays on almonds, especially on NePlus varieties.

Blossom Brown Rot,
Coryneum Blight
(Shot Hole)

51.2-64 oz. on Almond

All Others 60-90 oz.

125-250 ppm

Apply during early bloom. Do not apply after full bloom or injury may occur. Use the higher rates when rainfall is heavy and disease pressure is high.

Black Knot*

32-64 oz.

125-250 ppm

Make application at bud swell up to early bloom for early disease suppression. Apply before full bloom. Use the higher rates when rainfall is heavy and disease pressure is high.
NOTE: To avoid plant injury, do not use after full bloom.

Cherry Leaf Spot*
(Sour Cherries Only)

18.0 lb.2

38.4-64 oz.

Dormant/ Late Dormant 7 days Bloom/Growing Season

5 days3

150-250 ppm

8.0 lb.1
1.5 lb.1

Apply at petal fall as well as 1 to 2 times after petal fall. Use the lower rates where disease infection is light and use the higher rates for a dormant application or where disease infection is moderate to heavy. Do not apply to sweet cherry or the English Morello variety as severe injury will result.
NOTE: Moderate to severe injury such as leaf spotting and defoliation may occur from post bloom applications.

1Maximum per Application Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
2Maximum Annual Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
3Minimun Retreatment Rate (lbs Cu2+/A)
*Not Permitted in California
Permitted only in Washington State and Oregon**